Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Why this blog

Bird was my nickname growing up. No one calls me this anymore, except for my loving sister every once in a while. When she does though, it reminds me of a little girl living in simpler times. Simpler times and less thoughts. Maybe not less thoughts, but at least less complicated thoughts. Life was so easy then. How I wish I could go back. But then I think of all the growing up that went on between now and then, plus the growing up I still have to do. No. I wouldn't go back. Simpler thoughts and people to share them with would be nice though. I think that is the point of this blog.

I say "I think" because I really haven't found a niche yet. Abundant sources from around the web say you need a niche to start a blog and attract audiences. Well that's great if you know your niche, but what if you are a niche dabbler? What if you are too afraid to commit to a certain niche for fear you wont be good enough at it or like it enough? Well that's me. I love all forms of creativity: cooking, crafting, designing, diy-ing, organizing, painting, drawing, on and on the list could go. 

I do like to write though. About anything really. Introvert that I am, it comes much easier than talking. I have volumes of journals that I dreamed would one day turn into the topic of a long, deep conversation. Usually not. Fellow introverts, I'm sure you understand. Writing helps me untangle the weirdly intricate web of thoughts in my brain. It helps me zoom out so I can see the situation from afar. It helps me cope. Or celebrate. Or say what I really wanted to say but didn't. 

So if this is my intro post, this is one thing I hope I can accomplish with this blog: to just write honestly about my life and encourage others to engage in the same way. Because let's be honest, what is more interesting than to read words from someone who is transparent and vulnerable and gives us the courage to be the same. I know several that have done that for me and in turn I want to be that kind of writer. 

This may be a lofty goal, because lets face it: a lot of self editing goes into blogging. Maybe some thoughts should be edited (?), other things need to be boldly owned up to. The trick is to know the difference. And I'm sure I don't know the difference because this is my first blog. Ever. So bear with me and let's be as honest as this introvert can handle.

Oh and another thing. I'm not very good at concluding my writing or making it a complete thought. I like to think of it the same way you would think of an open ended question. The answer is not yes or no, its more complicated than that. Sometimes writing makes things messier than it was to begin with, because it digs up issues and just leaves them there on the table. Sometimes there aren't enough words to sort things out. Sometimes I have no frame of reference from which to draw a conclusion. So I don't. I just leave it there. Kind of like the junk drawer or that pile of papers you just don't ever sort through. I wont come back to it until I'm looking for something or until were moving and someone comes along and makes me deal with it. 

That's what is missing from my journal pages. No one holds me accountable or gives me feedback. I just write and write and hope I'm right. I hope this writing will be different. I hope it will start conversations or at the very least get the wheels turning. There's no greater compliment to me than when someone says, "something you said just got to me..just made me think about that differently.. just inspired me." 

Words are powerful, friends. 

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