Tuesday, July 26, 2016

To My Child in Between


You're 6. I feel like we're crossing over into to new territory. You haven't been the "baby" for awhile now. You are moving into big kid frontier. 

You amaze me when you say things like, "you've got a point there" when we're in one of our debates. Or "Mom! I've been around the sun 6 times now!"

You are creative and smart. You see patterns and symmetry that most people wouldn't pick up on. You could be an architect someday. You're fascinated by space, it's vastness and its beauty. Space crafts and rovers, meteorites and astronauts. Maybe NASA? Or maybe you'll be a super hero? You certainly have the energy for it! With your cape tucked away or your spidey suit right under your regular clothes, the way all good super heroes dress.

Though your rough and tumble, I see little hints of sensitivity when you still come up with arms wide open and say "hug?" Or you sneak into my bed in the middle of the night, you're careful not to wake me but in in the morning I smile when I find you there. When I was in the hospital, you weren't afraid of me with all my tubes and cords, you gently sat beside me and brought me presents you and daddy picked out in the gift shop. 

I love to see you take care of your baby brother "Buggers" as you still affectionately refer to him. (This is a derivative of "Joel bug" his nickname from birth because of how tiny he was). You teach him to share and try not to laugh when he gives you love taps. You help him up and down and show him that anything can be a toy with a little imagination. Then there's the sound effects and giggle fests. Only you can entertain him the way you do.

You adore your older sister and though since your independence has blossomed  you two have the occasional spat, I know the feeling is mutual. The two of are so very different in the best way possible. Still, you could play video games together for hours. You love it when she reads to you and perfects your costume for whatever role you might be playing in your imaginary adventure for the day. Heck, even tag is fun with her.

I'm so very proud of your place in our family. But sometimes, though you never say so, I know you get lost in the middle. While we're all laughing at the baby or fussing over how cute he is. While we are applauding your big sister's guitar playing or basketball skills. Sometimes I see it on your face or the way you say, "mom, I can't do it as good as Jayda does."

I want you to know today and everyday there are no favorites in this family. There is plenty of love to go around. Each of you are gifted and unique and I can't wait to see what kind of man you will be someday (take it slow though, would ya?)

I hope someday in the future you will  read this and it won't be a surprise to you. Maybe the art of blogging will be long lost but these words will still hold weight. I know you don't like mushy stuff but you mean the world to me. Birth order aside I love you all the most and nothing can or will ever change that.

Love, Mom


  1. Well, aunt Carleigh is sobbing over here. Jenna, you and John are totally the recipients of my "parents of the year" award (because I am ever so qualified to designate such a thing). For real though, what amazing kids you have. Thanks for letting me love them!

    1. Thanks for loving on them Carleigh ! All the aunts and uncles and grandparents play a role - it takes a village right? Love you much

  2. Replies
    1. You are so right on with this little guy! I loved reading this blog. One of the major blessings in the past few months; is getting to know each one at different level. Spending huge amounts of time with us gave room for learning the inner personalities of each of them. It was so easy for everyone to fuss after the baby when others visited, want to take the older out for "shopping" and to give her ball time. I was so cautious to look after that child in the middle when you were in the hospital, because he reminded me of his daddy. His Daddy also being in the middle was a bit laid back and celebrated and fussed over his great sisters. Jaren and I would always share things that you did with him. I loved it when he came back from his first visit with you and his words melted my heart. " Mamaw, mom has cords coming out everywhere..I couldn't give her a big hug, but I kissed her a little on her cheek. After, listening to his heart and explaining everything was going to be ok; he said." I know my mom taught me sign language, so I can show her I love her with sign". How precious was this gift. Something so simple, as teaching a little boy sign language brought comfort to him. Staying close in a hotel gave opportunity, for us to show Jaren.." Mommy is right over there! You described them so well; what a joy each child brings into the lives of others. Each of your beautiful children are so uniquely created, as a matter of fact everyone of my grandchildren bring to this world a burst of Love!! I'm with Carleigh, hard to read without tears. We are so blessed to have you back home with your precious babies. A precious gift!

    2. Love hearing your perspective 💗

  3. I don't know you personnally but I have followed your trials. I have prayed for you daily and have been amazed at your endurance and the love, dedication and strength i see in your family. You all are amazing and right now you just made me hope I have shown my middle child how special he is. Thank you
