Saturday, June 4, 2016

A Letter to my Mom

Dear Mom,

I'm embarrassed to even try to say thank you for all you've done through all of this.

You've been my personal nurse. You may have a nursing career but this is something different. You have sat by me countless hours; sometimes talking, sometimes silent. You have changed dressing after dressing, coached me on medication, and made sure that I understood the fast talking doctors. You've sponge bathed me, changed my bed pan, my clothes and my sheets almost every day. You made sure I was as comfortable as I could be. You learned trach care and wiped mucus off my neck countless times. You've came early stayed late, and even stayed all night just because I was really nervous about having another tube put in. 

More than a nurse, you have been my faithful friend. You have waited with me and been bored with me. You've watched endless hours of HGTV with me. You have brought me almost every meal only to throw most of it away because I was too sick to eat. With tears in your eyes you told me you would rather quit your job than have me sit in the hospital alone. You listened to my fears and cried with me. You encouraged me with words Jesus would whisper to my heart. You have modeled sacrificial love and servanthood with out even blinking. 

I won't be able to thank you enough in this life time. I can never return the favor and you probably wouldn't let me if I could. Because you're just being you.

And I know this is just what good mothers do. They have staying power. A supernatural energy to protect their offspring, to shelter them when there is a storm. 

I am so blessed to have you as my mom.

With all my love,


  1. Oh Jenna, Your Dear Mother will treasure these precious words of yours, just as she treasures you! Prayers of continued healing,

  2. Jenna,
    This is such a beautiful tribute to your precious mother!! I am wiping tears ��. I am so thankful that you are getting a little better each and every day!! ��
